Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Music Industry and Sex

I was watching the CMA music awards and just thinking about the discussion in class about how music videos utilize blatant sex more than anything else on TV. I mean look how much hotter Carrie Underwood got while being transformed into an american idol. The popular music industry exploits sex no matter the genre. I think constently being in the view of a camera is the cause of the focus around the sex image. This link doesnt deal with sex but addresses maybe how people can be changed by a camera.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Alternate prefume ads

We saw the axe ads which are so pornographically explicit that they are funny and we see other fragrance ads and they all use sex in some way. Bath and Body works sells perfume but they dont use sex in their catalog they use like background flowers and stuff like that to showcase their product. The real reason we have so much sex in advertising is not cause the public needs the stimulation but rather it reflects advertisment proffessionals freudian complex (and freud's theories should only be applied to psychos) . Have you ever met anyone good at Advertising or PR that wasnt a little out there? Ad people find ways to do their job, that above all, excite themselves. Yes, one person's trash is another's brilliance. At the very least, I think advertisers are enjoying their jobs way too much.

Friday, October 5, 2007

I dont know how people come up with those stereotypes...
This domestic disturbance report is put together with at the very least bad interviewing.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Buzz marketing company website
I guess these are the people who put those images out to girls that make them anorexic. I wonder who would consider themselves to be a buzzspotter.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Class Interests

On The Harmful Myth of Asian Superiority...
View of Universities on smart asians

1st Entry

I typically get my news from the most immediate source. Whether it be a newspaper lying open on the kitchen table that I happen to glance at, stumbling across newsprogram while flipping through channels, or a home page of a computer offering an interesting story, I get my news casually. Occasionally, I'll watch a special report on war that is aired on discovery times. Satisifying audiences and ratings with sex and violence has worked for anything put on television and the news is no exception. The news, in turn, has created an epic of "bad guys", distorted social images, celebrity worship, and gilded fear. This brew of mass-media flavored debauchery is particulary volatile when mixing with the political side of journalism.